Adopted Roads Gazetteer

(Ref. Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7))

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To locate a street or street section, enter the name of the street (or road number) and click "Search". (If you enter a road number it must be preceded by "A" or "B".). Street names are listed either as they appear on the name plate, or using a description of the location and/or type of highway.
To narrow down the search you may also optionally enter either the Parish name or a partial description of where the start or end point of a Street lies. A Partial Description search may be useful to find an unnamed footpath or access that leads off another, named, Street.
Alternatively, use our interactive map to view road sections here.
Click "Help" for additional information on searching the database.
A road name or number search will find all roads that begin with the search phrase entered unless the 'Contains Phrase' box is checked in which case all roads containing that phrase will be found.
E.g. searching for 'Night' with 'contains phrase' unchecked will find Nightingale Court and Nightingale Close but searching for 'Night' with 'Contains Phrase' checked will also find Knight Street, Knights Meadow and Knightsbridge Close.