Adopted Roads Gazetteer

(Ref. Highways Act 1980 Section 36(6) & (7))

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To locate a street or street section, enter the name of the street (or road number) and click "Search". (If you enter a road number it must be preceded by "A" or "B".). Street names are listed either as they appear on the name plate, or using a description of the location and/or type of highway.
To narrow down the search you may also optionally enter either the Parish name or a partial description of where the start or end point of a Street lies. A Partial Description search may be useful to find an unnamed footpath or access that leads off another, named, Street.
You do not need to enter the full street, road name or parish. You can type only the first few characters to search for all streets or parishes beginning with those letters. If you wish to search for a street or parish containing a particular phrase (for example, "church"), enter this phrase in the relevant search field and tick the box next to it. Then click "Search".
If you make a mistake and wish to start again, you can click the "Clear" button to clear the fields.

Search Results

If more than 10 matches are found, the list is divided into pages. Use the 'next' link to view the next page of results.
A limit of 250 individual locations is returned for any enquiry. If 250 records are found, consider narrowing the search by using the Parish and Part Description search fields as any additional entries will not be listed.

Description of Results

ROAD NAME - This is (or what is believed to be) the road name designated by the Street Naming Authority. Multiple entries of a single name may appear which reflect the different maintenance sections of that road. The sections provide greater detail on the maintained road lengths matching the 'section' limits described below.
ROAD NUMBER - This is an identification number attributed to the road by either the Department for Transport (A and B prefix) or Cheshire West and Chester (C and U prefix) NB Road numbers with a prefix F are footways.
SECTION START and SECTION END - These describe the extent of road sections. The term "to limit" has been used to describe either the end of a road such as a cul-de-sac and for instances where the adopted limit of the road comes before the physical limit. These descriptions in combination with the given length will indicate the point of the adopted limit, but account must be taken of the warning on length given below.
PARISH - This is the parish in which the whole, or majority, of the road section lies. Where a number follows the Parish name, this is because there is more than one parish with the same name.
LENGTH - This is based on length measurement taken on site, where available. In the absence of a measured length, a map measured estimated length has been used.
SECTION - This is the Council section reference number. The sections have been created for the effective management of highway maintenance. They start at changes in name, District Boundries and urban/rural boundaries (where urban is defined as having a speed limit of 40mph or less). In most cases the start or end of a section coincides with a junction.

Using the Interactive Mapping Service

An interactive map of Cheshire West and Chester can be used to find individual roads by clicking on the 'Cheshire West and Chester Map' link on the Search page. Help on how to use the service is available from within the mapping application, but when used in conjunction with the adopted roads Gazetteer, the following specific points apply.
1. Use the pan and zoom tools to locate the area that you are interested in. NB you will need to be zoomed in to a scale of less then 1:10000 in order to select Adopted Highways.
2. Use the Select tool to select the features within the required area.
3. A list of all of the features within your chosen are will be displayed. Expand the list of Adopted Highways to view all those that lie within your selected area.
4. You can view details of a particular highway by clicking on it's name. You may also centre on a selected road section by selecting centre on feature.

If you have any queries, please contact the Highways Team